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“WHY are People Not acting? How do we Solve this Problem?”

TX, 8/2/2019

“WHY are People Not acting? How do we Solve this Problem?” This question was posed on the July 15 issue of The Revolution News Paper.

Well for one, alot of people tend to not give a f***! Especially here in the U.S.A., their lives are OK, they doing alright, so to them it’s a mindstate of who cares what happening to other people. All they care for is themselves, try to live happily and die peacfully. I guess you can call that “culture of individualism”….

I can tell you why I choose to act, why im quick to go into action, why I fervently advocate for others to go into action, when it comes to fighting against oppression. Why I eagerly and Enthusiastically Study and educate myself on Revolution and Communist history and thought in order to find lessons in the past that can help us today, and also further learn about the world around me, the reality We find ourselves in.

It is all due to the fact that I get sad, my heart strings twist at all the injustices, all the oppression around me and abroad. All the people getting killed, all the people dying because of other peoples greed. All the people who are senselessly suffering because they have to go without, go without not because they were “stupid” or “lazy”, but because the Social Conditions of where they live are not set up to favor them. The “Game” as how the Capitalist & Black Market Capitalist (i.e. Gangsters) like to call it, is rigged against those People.

It breaks my heart to see the suffering in the faces of those migrants, the refugees who throw it all on the line to escape the country that, mind you, the imperialist countries has contributed and has had a hand in fucking up economically. And then only to get here to the perpetrating country and be denied entrance, in my eyes, its not only denying entrance, its denying those people the right to live! What must go through the migrant refugee’s mind? “You f***ed up my country to the point that its impossible to live there, and you can’t even let me live in yours?!?, your ignorant citizens scream at us ‘go back to your country’ and ‘fix your own damn country’. WE CAN’T! the moment that we try, the moment that we unite and attempt to “fix” our country, your imperialist country swoops down on us and massacres us!” Those thoughts is what I can only imagine must be going through those peoples minds.

And you know, all the sadness that all that makes me feel, the more I think about it, it starts to make me MAD! I start to get angry, the injustice and oppression begin to infuriate me. And in that anger, that fire that builds up inside my chest is what I use to ACT! it’s what propels me to ACT, it’s what encourages me to educate myself and others.

Yes comrades, you are all doing the right thing in educating the masses, you know education goes hand-in-hand with liberation. It is how we can solve this Problem of People not acting. Some People are ignorant to the facts, and how do you expect people to get mad when they have no idea that they are being f***ed over. Remember this, the lower classes and the proletariat class, historically have been at times ignorant to the facts. Not because they are “Stupid” or they just “don’t give a f***, but because they are so busy struggling to survive that they don’t know what the f*** is going on. Yes they are aware that something is UP, but they don’t know what.

That’s where the Vanguard Party comes into Play, it is our duty to educate and lead the masses. Its hard for me to ask of the Vanguard Party to have Patience when it comes to educating, since time is not something that we have at our side. Just don’t give up on the masses. The masses, on top of struggling for survival, at the same time are bombarded with all this bourgeoisie Culture Propaganda. So it is our duty to help the masses decipher and filter all this bulls*** that’s thrown at them everyday since the day that they are born.

It is not an easy task, but let us not be intimidated at the colossus we face. We must have confidence in ourselves, in our Vanguard Party, and in our Principles; so that in turn we inspire confidence inside the hearts of the masses. Let them know that they are not alone in the fight against injustice and oppression, we must inspire in the masses of people hope, hope that humanity can win and finally break the long overdue chains that capital-imperialism imposes on all human kind and the earth alike.

I’ll end this letter here, yall take care out there and keep Ya heads up, always remember to not give up. When things get difficult, always remember and tell yourself, its for the cause and keep up the good fight!!

With you, and in struggle


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